The Civil Air Search and Rescue Association - CASARA - is a Canada-wide volunteer aviation association dedicated to promote Search and Rescue Awareness. SAR Awareness is about how a search works and what people can expect in case they get lost or overdue. Typically a search crew consists of a pilot, a navigator, and one - or better two – spotters. Members get regular training for their tasks and exercises happen throughout the year.
Membership is not only open to aircraft owners and pilots, but also to those who wish to get involved as spotters and navigators. Members receive training in fields such as aviation safety, meteorology, survival awareness, search techniques and procedures. For more information visit www.casara.ca , there you can also find the local CASARA contacts.
So if you want to do interesting stuff while in the air, consider joining CASARA Yukon. After all, it feels good that locals are looking for you long before the big guys from Comox make it up here!!